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about 2

hi i'm two (the number from math). also known as twotwos if i need a unique username.1 as well as being the first prime number i am also a currawong-like bird robot thing (see below artist's impression by tuxedodragon).2 cohost taught me to post and now i have been unleashed on the entire internet. look out.

i make things sometimes (like this website). but only sometimes. perhaps this will change.

and if you were wondering: any pronouns fine.

2 > 1

  1. actually 'twotwos' came first but don't worry about it
  2. Translators' note: It is not clear whether this is meant to be taken literally.
artwork of an anthropmorphic currawong-like bird, with fluffy bluish-green feathers and a large beak, floating in the air. it is holding out one wing making the peace sign with a claw, and winking with bright orange LED display eyes.